Let them eat cake?

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    I stumbled across this article this morning that i think adds something to the current discussion about our homeless populations and where we are going to put them….


    the key word to all of this is credibility… having walked beside homeless people trying to work their way through our “system” for helping them i can attest to the dissonance between what we as citizens think is on offer for them and what actually exists…

    i have been walking beside some people who not only want but need to get out of the woods for years now.. not quite a decade but we are getting close to it. For those people finding housing will literally be the difference between life and death this winter…. yet in spite of doing everything our system asks of them they are no closer now than they were when we began this journey.

    something to think about as winter approaches



    I have not broken it down into a story yet but for those interested in the topic, the mayor’s proposal was sent out last night.

    News release: http://murray.seattle.gov/mayor-murray-announces-interim-action-plan-homelessness/

    Letter to councilmembers and plan: http://murray.seattle.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Bridging-the-Gap-Interim-Action-Plan.pdf



    I wonder where the 4 new encampments will be.



    How many in Laurelhurst or Green Lake? South East Seattle, South Park and somewhere in the SODO Duwamish is my bet.



    Who knows? it’s just another shuffle that won’t happen fast enough or house enough people to knee people from dieing on our streets.. from untreated chronic illness and hypothermia :(

    i am beyond over this tapdance

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