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November 9, 2008 at 9:18 pm #588670
JoBParticipantOK.. i realize i am an acquired taste.. and like many tastes.. you either like me… or you really don’t.
it’s ok. I don’t expect to please everyone.
but if you dislike me so much that you can’t contain your impulse to find a negative connotation in everything i say or to make a negative comment every time i post…
please just ignore me.
it’s easy enough.. you just hit the ignore button at the bottom of my post and i simply disappear.
I can’t tell you how grateful i am for that feature…
i have always wanted to be able to do that… just disappear at will…
of course, i thought it would be my will..
but this works just as well.
If making a joke about the size of a jade plant is enough to make you snarl at me…
the resulting fuss created when people generously defend my right to make a joke… obviously makes this a public nuisance..
So please.. please.. please…
won’t you .. can’t you.. won’t you please ignore me.
November 9, 2008 at 9:43 pm #646920
This may have been better as a private message, as it seems to be addressed to some particular people or person?
Not everyone reads every message and keeps up with the ins and outs of every topic – who’s mad at whom, which person doesn’t like whatever other person, which people know each other and like each other, who’s in and who’s out, etc.
When it comes to drawing sides personally, it becomes an uncomfortable forum. I know everyone took sides politically, that’s the nature of a campaign.
But the campaign is over.
and besides it’s kinda funny, drawing attention to oneself by asking to be ignored???
November 9, 2008 at 9:51 pm #646921
AnonymousInactiveacemotel – I’m with you.
This seems like it would be better suited as a PM issue, rather than a forum topic.
November 9, 2008 at 10:27 pm #646922
JanSParticipantI look at this as a message from “everyman” to “everyman”..to be taken in general by everyone, about everyone, on the forums. If anyone, not just JoB, not just me, or for that matter, Joe the Plumber, rubs you the wrong way, then instead of making yet another snide, put down remark for all the world to see, then , yes, PM them, or place them on ignore. There is a reason that TR gave us that particular little button, but some people have an aversion to use it, I’m sure..not wanting to miss anything (I’m like that a good part of the time).
To me, personal comments about people that other posters don’t particularly care for detract from these forums, and shouldn’t exist…just my 2 cents :) We all don’t always agree on things, but, geez, if someone has animosity for another person on here it’s not too hard to figure out. We’re adults…we need to get over it, in my book, speaking in generalities, of course.
Have a great afternoon everyone…hope it’s more fun than mine: laundry, vacuuming, etc..lol…
November 9, 2008 at 11:15 pm #646923
GenHillOneParticipantI’m going to echo praise of the new ignore button. As Jan mentions, some may not want to use it for fear of missing something and that’s understandable. I have found, however, that it has greatly increased my experience here. Once I was tempted to go back, only to find out that I had missed nothing unexpected and haven’t looked back since.
It is indeed clear when personal conflicts come through and unfortunately, we’ve seen resistance when the parties are asked to take the resolution offline. I see JoB’s message as a general one and it addresses the elephant in the room. I’m not sure why the ignore button is such a catch 22 subject when it has been brought up by TR and even that it was given as an option in the first place.
We’ve lost regular forum contributors over squabbles and negative interaction in the last year. If this new feature helps to bring them back by lessening their frustration, I’m all for it. It seems much more appropriate to talk about the elephant here than during a heated exchange.
Can someone TELL me where the ignore button is for Joe the Plumber??
November 10, 2008 at 12:32 am #646924
JoBParticipanti didn’t mean this to be specific…
i didn’t realize it would be read that way until i just went back and reread what i had said.
if i could pull the reference to the plant topic.. i would. but.. i am too late… something that has been happening to me a lot lately:)
i meant it as a general topic.. not directed at anyone in particular.
i am assuming that i annoy more people than those who have snarled at me lately ;~>
I have decided after much reflection to make better use of the ignore button myself… there are some things i just don’t want or need to know. I may lose some interesting conversation.. but i will surely gain some peace.
The reason i made the post is that it isn’t just the comments that become a problem. Those i can and do mostly ignore.
but the disruption those comments make to threads.. during the process of peer response.. and counter-response… are not only unnecessary but easily avoidable.
November 10, 2008 at 1:59 am #646925
JimmyGMemberBelieve me when I say I do try very hard to ignore you, but by starting this thread you have focused the spotlight very squarely on yourself and nobody else.
In addition to acquainting yourself with the “ignore this user” button you may also want to learn about the “private message” feature.
November 10, 2008 at 2:27 am #646926
JanSParticipantwow…try to get a little more mean spirit in your posts, Jimmy G…and perhaps take some of your own advice…and I say that in the nicest way :)
November 10, 2008 at 2:29 am #646927
JanSParticipantto everyone..the posts that are making snide remarks about the OP are exactly what we’re talking about. It goes all ways. You don’t like what was posted. IGNORE IT !
November 10, 2008 at 2:43 am #646928
JimmyGMemberPlease JanS, the OP is akin to a shout of “look at me, look at me!”
I doubt I’m the only one reading who sees great irony in making a post saying ignore me.
And as to being mean spirited? I’m a very forthright and honest person. Were I ever to meet JoB in person I would say what I’m saying here to her face. And I’m willing to bet $$ she could handle it.
November 10, 2008 at 2:48 am #646929
AnonymousInactiveNot that anyone will read this (because it has been announced that I am “ignored” by many), but here goes:
It seems to me that if you actually realize that your behavior on this forum (meaning, what you post) requires that you request people to “ignore” you, perhaps you should consider changing your behavior (what you post) instead of instructing people, who are simply reacting to that behavior, on how to respond to you.
Just a thought.
November 10, 2008 at 2:50 am #646930
IrukandjiParticipantAh! Personal Message PM, not Premenstrual PM. Got it. Boy do I wish there was a PMS mode.
November 10, 2008 at 2:51 am #646931
beachdrivegirlParticipantPerhaps if one realizes that their behavior is bad enough to request others to ignore them it is the behavior that needs to change not those that respond to it.
November 10, 2008 at 2:59 am #646932
GenHillOneParticipantBottom line, everyone, if you don’t want to read someone’s posts, use the ignore button. Don’t drag the rest of us along for the ride, please.
November 10, 2008 at 3:12 am #646933
JoBParticipantIt’s amazing what happens when you go out for pizza:)
Pagliaccis.. there were kids.. he was better behaved than i was.. ate his pizza with a fork… and the pizza was very good.
i am positively basking in all this attention … and if it took putting the spotlight on me to make the point.. well.. that’s what it took..
though.. there is evidence that it didn’t work:(
And yes, i bet you would say the same things to my face… and you are right… i could handle it.
But could you handle the rebuttal?
It turns out i am somewhat careful what i say here ;(
we ARE obviously in the PMS mode ;~0
November 10, 2008 at 4:11 am #646934
JanSParticipantJimmyG…thanks for the input. So..say it to her…don’t say it to the rest of us..we don’t necessarily want to hear it :)
November 10, 2008 at 4:12 am #646935
JanSParticipantPMS? Naw…I’m just naturally a b**ch now ;-)
November 10, 2008 at 4:21 am #646936
JanSParticipantand, NR…sounds like you’re proud that some forum members have ignored you…yes? since you mentioned it…
November 10, 2008 at 4:36 am #646937
AnonymousInactiveJan – Since you ask…… I just thought I should be polite and acknowledge those who found it so important to announce it to the world. They obviously require the attention and I hate to disappoint.
: )
On the topic of using the “ignore” feature myself – I can’t imagine missing all this entertainment!
November 10, 2008 at 7:11 am #646938
JanSParticipantohhh…got another little dig in there, didn’t you ;-)
November 10, 2008 at 7:14 am #646939
ErikParticipantYou can’t ignore me. I have a big ox.
November 10, 2008 at 7:36 am #646940
wingmeMemberthose who crave attention always manage to find it. SHEESH!
November 10, 2008 at 9:07 am #646941
JanSParticipantErik…never would I want to….
November 10, 2008 at 11:49 am #646942
JoBParticipantErik.. i have been there and i have the pics to prove it:)
November 10, 2008 at 8:09 pm #646943
JoBParticipantone last comment on this subject thanks to some private mail i received…
my personal plan is to automatically ignore anyone who is truly nasty to me immediately… for at least a few days.
ok.. probably after winging out a single comment..
but heck.. maybe i am better than that:)
some days i know i am.
since the only way to stop these kinds of flares is to nip them in the bud.. and since we have been given such great tools…
i would appreciate personal messages.. of both a supporting and critical nature… rather than further posts on the topic here when that happens.
and i encourage anyone annoyed at any time by anyone to use the ignore feature for a personal time out.
i promise that i will.
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