I saw you . . .

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    Me: Shambling tragically through the parking lot at the SW Library, my glad rags askew.

    You: Pulling arrogantly into the “disabled” parking spot in your silver Toyota Highlander. No disabled placard or plates.

    I looked askance as you sent your daughter trotting into the Libe while you waited in the car, engine idling wastefully.

    No problem, I thought. True, this thoughtless woman is breaking the law, but the kid’ll just drop some books in the slot and she’ll be gone again before anyone knows.


    I watched in horror as your kid disappeared among the shelves, and I realized that you would probably be poaching that parking space for quite some time.

    And indeed (!) when I came back out a couple minutes later, your car was still there, engine idling. Only now you were outside the car walking around, yap-yap-yapping on your phone or something.

    I went back into the library and busted on you (nyah, nyah, nyah!) watching gleefully from the oversized book section as the librarian made you MOVE YOUR CAR.

    Yes, it was I whose scornful laughter you heard hissing from the treetops all the way home.

    Yes, it was my voice you heard howling in the dark corners of your soul . . .

    Shame! Shame! Shame!


    Honestly, people . . .

    There’s one (ONE!) disabled parking spot at the SW Libe. And there are lots (LOTS!) of disabled patrons coming and going all the time.

    Do NOT park in that spot illegally.






    (Dedicated to metrognome)



    thank you DBP, thank you, thank you, thank you…


    2 Much Whine

    DP, you are A ZEN MASTER and I am once again posting after a few glasses of wine. Handicap scofflaws make me so mad!



    Good job DP!



    Good job DP! If only more folks would call out these cheaters, there would be a lot less of this going on.

    Opps – double post.



    I am gad to hear the library enforced the handicapped parking policy..




    This lot can get crowded, but there were at least four other empty spaces in the lot when this non-disabled driver pulled into the disabled spot. So it’s not like she had no other parking options.

    I normally wouldn’t have busted on this person, but I have seen this happen so many times at this Library . . .

    The parking lot configuration is pretty bad there, so if a disabled driver can’t get into that one DP space, it’s a huge hassle for them. They either have to go over a steep curb to get onto the sidewalk or they have to walk/wheel behind a bunch of parked cars.



    Bravo DBP!!



    I agree, Bravo! That parking lot needs to be refigured. There does need to be more than one disabled parking spot and all the spots on the north side of the lot need to be wider.



    Good job DBP! I couldn’t help but think this was very poor parent modeling for the kid and then I’m wondering if I know anyone with a Toyota Highlander…..hmmm….nope, most of my friends don’t think they are that entitled or special, thank goodness.



    DP — thanks for your vigilence and thoughtfulness. I’ve used a wheelchair since 1975; the fight was going on long before that and will go on long after I’m gone.

    I would suggest a few things if you see this happen. First, as DP did, report it to facility staff rather than confront the person directly. I’ve had friends who had guns pulled on them or were otherwise threatened with bodily harm. Second, you may want to report it on your way out as I’ve had friends have their vehicles vandalized as a ‘thank you’. Lastly, there are people who qualify for the permit who have no outwardly visible sign of disability; however, they still have to display the placard or have the plate.

    Sorry it took me a while to see this; I’ve been quite ill lately, which has caused me to take stock of the sources of toxicity in my life. Unfortunately, the Forum with all it’s negativity has become one of them. So, I will stop by on occasion, but for the most part will stay away. Y’all have fun!



    Yes! Nicely done DBP.




    Once I put Kootchman on ignore most of the toxic disappeared from the forum. This means I don’t even see the craziest of the political threads.

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