How come you hate sports?

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    Just wondering..



    I don’t… ;-)






    I don’t hate sports. But I do dislike sports that are ostensibly 1 hour in duration yet take 4 hours to play. And the money professional althletes in the US make is criminal. My least favorite sport to watch is football. I’d much rather watch rugby. It’s a much cooler sport and has no commercial time outs. [Yay All Blacks!!] Now soccer, you’d think I’d put it in the same camp as rugby; it’s not an all-day commitment, but the intricacies of the sport are lost upon me.

    Hockey is good too. I can live without baseball or basketball – but going to a game can be fun. The sport I watch on TV the most is golf. I can watch golf and multitask – cook, read, mend, nap. Gotta love a sport where you can nap.



    Pro sports is a form of idolatry.

    Drive past Seahawks Stadium right now and you can see jumbo-sized posters of professional athletes all ready for us to go and worship on any given Sunday.


    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them . . .

    Exodus 20:4-6

    Sorry guys. You might be very good at what you do, but you’re no better than anyone else in God’s sight.



    Athletes are way over paid and too much money goes into stadiums/salaries. I know pro sports bring in revenue for the city and there are city budgets but in general, it’s a shame to see so much money go into 2 stadiums when we have homelessness, badly maintained roads, not enough roads for the population, grafitti, domestic violence, rape, drug abuse, cancer, etc…. I can just think of better ways to spend money.


    Seems like more athletes these days are in the news for domestic abuse, drugs, guns in luggage, murder, etc. So, it’s hard to cheer for someone like that.


    Traffic impacts suck too. Not everyone is going to the game but have to suffer the congestion, almost daily. I know this is just part of city living that I have to deal with.


    Not everyone loves noise and crowds, I am one of those people I guess. I am lucky to be able to afford it but it is also expensive due in part to players salaries.


    I find sports boring. It is something I did as a kid. I just can’t get into caring about stats .. I get why people like sports but it just doesn’t have any attraction for me.


    Unless you want your child to learn new words, you can’t really take kids to games anymore.


    I also hate the @holes that get drunk or not and act like they are MMA fighter tough. It’s an ongoing issue highlighted by the recent stories in the media about fans being beaten into comas.


    I guess “to each, his own” but it’s not for me.



    I hate just about everything to do with organized sports from select teams for 5 yr olds to the NFL. I just don’t get it.

    Of course I’ll admit to watching an episode or two of drivel like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, so who am I to say how someone spends their time… Sports fans always seem so very wrapped up and rabid with their vapid past-times though.



    I like playing sports. Watching them is kinda boring though.



    Pro sports is just another entertainment business, not much different from music or the movies.

    Companies spend money to put on a show, hire players with a certain kind of talent, entertain people, and make money from it.

    The silliness comes with all of the emotional attachment.

    Once you lose the emotional attachment and see them for what they are, you learn to enjoy them a lot more.



    I don’t dislike sports but I despise the tribalism associated with team sports and the commercialism it teaches kids.

    But still sports is not the most dangerous part of the slime that oozes out of your TV set…



    I HATE sports, especially football. I think there are several reasons I hate football:

    1) It’s on ALL THE TIME.

    2) My husband turns into a volatile zombie (yes, volatile zombie is what I came up with) who I can’t communicate with.

    3) I get yelled at for walking in front of the tv.

    4) I have a two second attention span so I end up just staring at the tv without comprehending what’s going on.

    5) I didn’t grow up watching or playing sports so I don’t think I ever developed an understanding and love for them early on.

    6) Did I mention football is always on? Seriously, all the time.

    7) The same thing happens over and over and over. Gets boring.

    8) When football is on (all the time) I can’t watch my trashy tv shows.

    9) Fall, 2009, UW game. I was DD for tailgaters that had too much to drink. You know who you are. Enough said.

    I could go on and on.



    I’ll second what todd_ said.

    And I’ll throw in ‘Tebowing’ as one of the most arrogant displays I’ve ever seen (i.e. god likes me more than he likes you,) and he’s not the only one who does it. I might have some respect for him if he did the same thing when he throws an interception or is sacked for a 20 yard loss; after all, it is the same god who didn’t seem to like him as much during that play and it is all part of god’s mysterious plan after all, right?



    @metro- I’ll second what you said.

    In fact, this was my fb status update after the game sunday:

    “Weird. Didn’t see Tebow taking a knee after that ~20 yard loss. Apparently he never read Job.”



    Mr. Lammers(RIP), the PE teacher at Lafayette. Square dancing is another hate of mine, same reason.

    Yet I enjoy watching hockey. Go figure.



    hmmm … gina, you’ve given me an idea for a sport I might actually like to watch: square dancers playing hockey … yeah, that’s the ticket!



    Shout out to Ken for the Zappa reference! “…I am destined to rule and regulate you…”



    I don’t hate sports. And I accept the numeorus and great inconveniences caused to me by sporting events. (I wouldn’t even speak up on the topic except that you asked in a seemingly earnest manner.) I take issue with the somewhat frequent “shove it my face that I’m a freak” for not sharing the love. The crux was when voters ended up with Safeco despite having voted “NO.” I haven’t voted in any election since.



    jayd: the only thing i hate more than corporate sports is facebook posts/pages/updates/whatever about corporate sports.

    jiggers: “why?” you ask.

    it seems to be a poor substitute for critical thinking.

    ditto for facebook.



    Curling is the only “sport” I can stand to watch.


    HMC Rich

    I Love Sports. It teaches everyone life lessons. There are winners and losers. It is an achievement to be the best. Sportsmanship is encouraged (usually).

    If it doesn’t float your boat, fine. But I love it, want it, and so do millions of others.

    I think some of you were not good at sports and maybe resented the jocks and cheerleaders. If what people think in high school still affects you today, you need to see a therapist. Get over it.

    So, to borrow your line of thought. I can’t stand people who don’t like sports. Go away and do what you want and leave me to my hobbies and past-times.

    Also, comparatively, I see a lot more gear, clothing etc., with team logos than say ballet, symphony etc.

    Maybe the public dollars spent on the arts, parks, community centers, and other government financed activities should have their monies sent to budgets to feed the poor, etc. Two can play that game.



    I think some of you were not good at sports and maybe resented the jocks and cheerleaders.

    see what i mean about critical thinking?



    “Maybe the public dollars spent on the arts, parks, community centers, and other government financed activities should have their monies sent to budgets to feed the poor, etc. Two can play that game.”

    Bingo Rich!



    I see as usual, HMCRich got the ‘critical’ part down but seems to have glossed over the ‘thinking’ part.




    what is thing called sports?

    have i missed something crucial here?

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