Hit and Run on Beach Drive SW

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    Hi All: Seems like a banner year for idiots. I will be posting a video of a medium size SUV, late model, backing into my neighbor’s passenger door panel and denting it good, BUT, not leaving a note for contact purposes. You will “love” the video, wherein the driver does NOT even inspect the damage he has done, but seems particularly “worried” about the damage to his car… ummm.. I will try not to editorialize too much… but, dear god, what are Americans turning into these days?



    If I ever do something stupid/inconsiderate/illegal/embarrassing it will NOT be in front of Duckitude’s house. :-)



    Ah, I bet you never do any such things, EmmyJane! Nice to bump into you and your mom today. Take care, and keep that ducky feeling! (Love the pic… and, the outfit is?)



    does it show the plate number?



    Oh, and, although I do have decent surveillance cams for the purposes of protecting the Ducky Reserve, I DO respect privacy, and generally WILL NOT post videos of people on youtube or otherwise, unless they have committed a crime.

    So, don’t worry about the embarrassing or stupid stuff… you’re safe nationally (but I might get a big personal laugh….)



    Unfortunately, my cams are medium end (not low end or high end). So, they aren’t high definition enough to get a clear pic of license plates from 25 feet or further away…

    I just uploaded the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA30sGE_HGA

    It is still being “processed” so the high quality version of it is not available yet. However, I expect if someone knows the driver and his passenger who get out of the SUV and are clear on the video, and match it with the car, they will be able to identify the driver.



    Hi Quality version is now available.




    Duckitude: The vehicle in question appears to be a silver 2008 or 2009 Nissan Murano.



    Thanks. I am so behind on cars… drive the ones I have until they die (1995 Caravan which is doing really good… perfect for surfer types and construction types. 48 inches between wheel wells, and gutters on the roof… ) 1995 Del Sol…



    Could you provide me with the dimensions and format of the source video? Is your original any clearer than the way it is rendered on YouTube? It is a long-shot, but there is a good point where the nose of the car is facing the camera almost directly.

    I maybe be able to sharpen and zoom the video without too much pixelation to see if maybe that front plate is legible under another spectrum of light.



    Interesting concept. The original video format is wmv. The original is a little better but not much. I could send you that particular take, which is not that big of a file and you could go from there. I tried a standard screen shot from the video and then pasted into Photoshop. I could see hazy letters/numbers, but do not have any skill set about enhancements, so got nowhere there.

    Write to me at ron@duckiesrule.com



    Not that its very relevant; as this guy is a jerk and a law breaker. But he clearly does, in your video, get out and walk back to the other car for a visual inspection after briefly looking at his own damage. His passenger spends more time looking than he does. Am I misinterpreting the video? Doesn’t he walk back to view the other car? I hope he is caught.

    BTW, I am still carrying in my wallet the identifying information invovling a green Land Rover involved in a hit and run and posted here. Does anyone know if that investigation has ended?



    Duckitude- Emmy was a pig last year for Halloween. It was the first year she strayed from dressing up as another dog (which really just requires putting on a college shirt with a dog mascot… she’s been a Gonzaga bulldog and UW Husky.)

    I’m sure someone on here will turn me in for animal abuse. :-)

    Good to see you out and about too, and getting another doggie bowl for the thirsty puppies!



    flowerpetal: Mostly right on your interpretation. However, he only gets within 25 feet or possibly not even that close to “inspect” damage on a dark car in a dark shaded area… he didn’t want to see any damage and, he’s the driver — what, his passenger is the agent for him for inspection purposes related to the driver’s behavior. There is no excuse for this driver’s lack of due diligence or civility. The thump was loud. What did he think he hit?



    EmmyJane and HollyMom: Wow, she dressed you up as a pig, you mean like a Bush mask or something? (Uh oh… politics sneaking into post…). Anyway, too cute!



    Thanks Duckitude. I’m fully with you. This driver neglected his due diligence. I hope this doesn’t cost your neighbor much, nor jack up his/her insurance premium. It may be best not to even report it to the insurance company if the deductable is high.


    The Velvet Bulldog

    Hi flowerpetal: Thanks for remembering my hit and run case! We are still looking for the Dark Green Land Rover, license plate #87-#QI (I’ve been asked by the editors not to publish the entire plate.) We know the dude is hanging around WS because he had the stones to go to British Auto Repair on Avalon and get parts to fix his car!



    Kudos to cjboffoli! He tried to do some processing of the images of the car noted above to reveal the license plate, but no luck so far. Thank you cj for your efforts and your concerns. Take care and best wishes.



    Velvet Bulldog: You have a license plate number and the police have not found the driver/owner of the vehicle yet? Why not? Did you make a police report? Maybe all that information is in the original posts?

    And, the editors asked you not to post the full license plate. Again, is there a police report and an incident number? If so, I would think that the editors should have no “liability” concerns about the allegations.

    Unless, they think you are a manipulator of some kind, who has a history of making phony allegations.

    Seems like that would be more of a liability for the editors than otherwise…

    What’s up with that?


    The Velvet Bulldog

    Hiya Ducks–see original post here:


    I’m thinking now I should give the post a “bump” and refresh people’s memories.

    Good luck with your situation.



    Really? The driver went to British Auto Imports and got parts and still can’t be tracked? The driver must have paid with cash. I have a slip of paper in my wallet and every time I see a car fitting that description I am pulling out that slip to check the license plate number.


    The Velvet Bulldog

    flowerpetal: You Rock.



    I now have a slip of paper in my wallet with the number and description. Nice to know that people care. Take care, Ron



    Three reasons I did that. Its part of creating community to help your neighbors. It was easy. And it would be what I would want someone to do for me.

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