Grocery Stores in West Seattle

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    With so many options of grocery stores in West Seattle (Thriftway, Metropolitan Market, PCC, Safeway, QFC, Albertsons) which do you shop and why?



    AmazonFresh, because I can do it from home. ;)



    Safeway on Roxbury cuz it seems less expensive

    QFC at Westwood because they are close, have good seafood and have a few items I can’t get at Safeway.

    Thriftway for a wide choice of soy ice cream, yummy caviar, cheeses, and bagels.

    PCC for vegan and vegetarian items I can’t find elsewhere.



    Westwood QFC mostly, sometimes Safeway or Albertson’s in WC, because they’re close to where I live.

    PCC for bulk soaps and hair care products, and a few other things.



    PCC, because they focus on local and organic products, and they are *not* expensive for what you get! (Sorry, I feel like I always have to defend them from the “but they’re sooo expensive!” people.)

    Thriftway and Met. Market for some items. I refuse/have no need to shop at Safeway or QFC.



    Metropolitan Market for their bagger Penny who elicits in me a nostalgic uneasiness in that she reminds me of so many of the butch nuns at my parochial prep school.

    PCC for their herbed roasted chicken, buffalo jerky and bulk items.

    Swinery for their locally-sourced butcher items and addictive deli items not available elsewhere (like bacon bologna and creamy chicken liver pate)



    Thriftway, because; I live practically across the street, (this actually was an important consideration, while apartment hunting 9.5 years ago, not having a car since Oct ’95. Had lived about three blocks north, previously, for about 15 years).

    Other, actually more important reasons are; locally owned. Great employees. Like the layout/atmosphere of the store. It’s kinda fancy in some ways, while still having a down-to-earth feel. It pulls off the fancy thing, without a feeling of yuppieness, or snobbery. I normally dislike shopping, but the store has such a comfortable feel to it. It actually feels like *my* store. (Sorry, Joe Albertson!)

    I know it’s a little pricey in some areas, but I just try to catch stuff on sale.

    I’ve been nearly 100% faithful, since the new store opened up over 11.5 years ago, although in the last year I’ve “strayed” some. ;-) After I got home from my rather lengthy hospital stay a little over a year ago. A friend ran me up to the Roxbury Safeway, and let me use her club card to get some stuff. Also,a few weeks after that, a friend generously & anonymously sent me a Safeway

    gift card. So, I visited the J. Square store several times, until it was used up. Also made a couple of visits to Grocery Outlet in Burien, when I happened to be in the area.

    On a bit of a side note, it felt a bit weird to shop there (J.S. Safeway) after so many years. Probably hadn’t set foot in there more than 5 times since Thriftway opened their new store, and actually shopped more at Safeway previous to that, even though Thriftway was about half the distance.




    Regardless of which grocery store in West Seattle I shop at I only have to remember the grocery stores in LA to remember we are blessed. Even the “bargain” stores like the Roxbury Safeway are foodie heavens compared to the old Ralphs or Albertson stores in L.A. I had to drive to Bristol Farms in Rolling Hills to get Portobello mushrooms. Granted things have improved in La-La land grocery-wise since I left, but Thriftway/MM/The Junction QFC still rock, and Central Market in Shoreline is Mecca. Larry’s was my first cathedral, and viewing the old produce section in their Hellevue store used to trigger flashbacks…

    I shop around, favor PCC/MM/new QFC over the remaining, though the Morgan Thriftway is my emotional fave (I wish MM hadn’t rebranded their Thriftway and rebuilt it–yeah, maybe no cheese bar but I like the sunny aspect of the old store–similar to PCC in some respects.) The MM is darker and dank in comparison, IMHO.



    Thriftway a lot because we don’t have a car and I can walk up there and back downhill with my groceries. They have nice quality meats and veggies. A lot of other stuff tends to be overpriced.

    I also do Pike’s Market. I often go trawling in White center for stuff the regular markets don’t have and cheap laundry detergent/toothbrushes/soap/household cleaners etc., dirt cheap at the various ethnic markets in White center.



    I buy 99% of my food at Costco and Trader Joes. For onesie-twosies stuff I usually go to Thriftway, but have been going to the new QFC on occasion.


    HMC Rich

    All of them. Thriftway for their meats, cheese displays and location. It is the closest to us. Junction Safeway, second closest location and our son likes the trucks that come and go from the loading dock. Definitely not for the double door Real Change vendors. PCC, for the chicken CJ likes and Steph’s Tofu, their veggies and many of the “kids picks” items. Yes, even REPUBLICAN’S shop at PCC. QFC for the “ethnic’ British food section and because it is new. Metropolitan market when I can’t find what I need at Thriftway and their prepared food service. Amazon Fresh when we feel lazy. Costco for some bulk purchases and a slice of pizza and a smoothie for under $5.00. 7-11 for a Big Gulp and a candy bar.



    I love the fact that I can walk to Adm. Safeway (across the street from me), Met Mkt, and PCC. Of course, I have to go frequently, as one can only carry so much when walking..but it gets me out, gets me some exercise and fresh air. :)



    A little lesson to transplantella and other transplants which should go a long way towards helping them feel a bit more like locals: we pronounce it ‘Pike Place Market’. No need to pluralize.

    Go to Archie McPee’s to get a punching nun and you’ll be virtually native.



    Guadalupe Market in Burien, 128th and Ambaum. Great variety of very fresh, very clean (never had a moth problem) dry chiles. A corn tortilla factory. They are often so fresh they are still warm; if you get lucky you can even get them right off the line.

    Big John’s PFI, 1001 6th ave. s.

    Uwajimaya, 600 5th ave. s.



    Uwajimaya: fish, buckwheat/yam noodles, rices and grains, seaweed and rice candy.

    All Safeways: milk, yogurt, produce often; never buy fish or meat there.

    Fred Meyer in Burien: bulk oatmeal, beans, grains, soy powder and soy nut butter. Never fish or meat.

    PCC – deli kale salad

    Metro Market: roasted chicken, salt n pepper tofu and salad bar.

    Remo Borrachini’s: canned tomatoes, oil and vinegars, brownies.

    QFC, Cascioppo Bros. (sp?) in Ballard, German deli in Burien, and, now, Swinery, for meat and that darned pate.

    Produce and wine: everywhere it looks good or cheap, when I am there.

    And great to know about the Guadalupe Market tortillas! Thx!



    We shop a lot at Costco (3 growing boys), but in West Seattle:

    – Admiral Safeway (for routine things, relatively inexpensive)

    – Metropolitan Market (for wine)

    – Tony’s

    – Seattle Fish Co.

    – Swinery



    My wife does most of the grocery shopping and she uses Metropolitan Market, Safeway, and AmazonFresh (not necessarily in that order). If I happen to go shopping I usually end up at Metropolitan market. I also make a weekly trip to the Swinery and less frequent trips to Seattle Fish Co.



    “All of them” would be our answer too. Including Uwajimaya and Costco on occasion. And thanks to everyone in particular for supporting PCC and Amazon Fresh, the 2 grocery businesses that are among our current sponsors.



    My favorite is Thriftway – I like the service there and the selection. The closest to us (before the new QFC) was the Jefferson Square Safeway, and we went to Thriftway instead. Now that QFC is open, we can walk to it and go for occasional quick items. I shop at PCC often for things I can’t get at other stores. We also do a lot of shopping at the farmers market. Costco when we have bulk things to buy. We’re at Trader Joe’s in Burien fairly often, and occasionally will also run to Whole Foods for a larger selection of the type of things we get at PCC.



    all of the above plus others:)

    in West Seattle, my favorite grocery is still the Morgan Thriftway. I like the store, i like the selection and i like the people.

    I like PCC and Met Market too.. but both places have too many temptations I can’t resist and i always spend way too much… so i try to only go in with a list:(

    I use the Roxbury Safeway because it is easy to get in and out of.. and the Ambaum Albertsons because it’s local and the Westwood QFC for convenience.

    I am at trader joes at least a couple of times a month and while i am in the neighborhood i go to the Canned Foods Outlet and the Guadaplupe market.. tho i avoid anything in their fridge… the tortillas are incredible and if the machine is running, they will give you a fresh stack the size you request.

    I use the asian market across from the liquor store in White Center .. they have an incredible selection of vinegars and noodles… and a great fish market. For meat i have been going to the mexican meat market in White Center across from Bartells.

    There is always Costco and any ethnic grocery i park close to:) and…. we like food at our house:)



    Safeway in the Junction sucks.



    jiggers…I have to agree with you on that….



    Cash and Carry on 4th ave because I can get 25 lbs for the same price as 1 to 5 lbs at grocery stores on basic items like onions, rice, beans and potatoes. I buy meat in 20 to 30 lbs units and cut it myself for the freezer. A whole sirloin is 2.22 a lbs while in the grocery store small packs are $6 to $8 per lbs. This is the same stuff that gets served in restaurants. Ribeye is 4.56 this month and all you need is a sharp knife and a freezer to beat the crap out of the $9 to $14 per that the grocery store gets for their uneven quality and flavor crap.

    The pack method is called “wet aged” or Cryovac and it will keep unopened in the fridge for 45 to 60 days from the pack date printed on it. Don’t try this if your fridge gets opened several dozen times a day. I have a second fridge for semi long term storage but I usually eat or cut and freeze within a couple of weeks so I never had to test it :)

    Roxbury safeway for the rest since two carts can pass each other in the aisles without tangling or one backing up unlike Jefferson Square.



    JoB, I laugh at myself for never thinking to ask for a specific amount of tortillas when the machine is running. I had forgotten to mention that they don’t sell “gringo size” packages, they contain @ 50, but corn tortillas DO have a fairly long shelf-life.

    Not certain what you meant about avoiding the ‘fridge, but though their produce isn’t always of premium quality, and I’m uncertain as to wether I would buy the seafood, the butcher shop is quite good, esp. the pre-seasoned meats and variety cuts like tongue and oxtail, which have a much higher turn-over here. The bakery is good, too. And they have a great Mexican junk food aisle.

    Agreed about the market you mentioned in WC. Lots of cool condiments and some VERY interesting produce that you won’t EVER find in Safeway. If you’ve been looking for a place to satisfy your durian craving…

    In fact, White Center has all the makings for a very interesting international market crawl.



    Thanks, westseattledood, for specific goods/places. I also visit Beacon Hill’s McPherson’s Market for produce: a-mazing prices, whole-world clientele, and perfect for someone who can pick out good quality items.

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