Just saw this on Full Tilt’s Facebook page:
“Hey! We are starting our pint of the month club. It is one pint a month of a flavor that will only be available to members of the club. They will be ready to pick up the first week of each month. The cost of this is $25 for six months. So not only are you getting some amazing flavors, you are getting a pint free. You can pre-pay at any store but UW. (they don’t have the freezer space to hold pints.)
To kick this off, our first flavor will be Captain Crunch milk with Chocolate covered crunch berries.”
In comments they said it’s dairy ice cream only, but they’ll consider a vegan club if there’s enough interest. I’m one of the people interested in the vegan one, so if you are as well, please let them know. Not to mention, let them know if you want it in general!