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October 3, 2008 at 10:26 am #588250
LightsOutMemberFor how stupid and idiotic Palin is, things did not look good for Biden Last night.
Hillary Clinton! The only candidate that actually tried to give the American people a healthcare plan.
October 3, 2008 at 12:31 pm #642034
TrisketParticipantBiden took the high road.
October 3, 2008 at 1:49 pm #642035
ZenguyParticipantBiden took the path he had to. Polls show he won by seventy percent or so.
October 3, 2008 at 2:20 pm #642036
JenVMemberthey are fact-checking the debate on NPR right now, and it certainly sounds like all the major stupidity, as usual, came from the right. They have refuted nearly everything that came out of her mouth as completely untrue or an exaggeration.
October 3, 2008 at 2:48 pm #642037
walfredoMemberHe lost? Like when she said she supported Dick Cheney’s classification of the VP not being part of the executive branch without knowing what that meant, and Biden schooled her and linked them further to the current administration?
Or when she couldn’t offer one example how there administration would differ from the current one- outside of McCain being a “maverick”?
Or when she had to explain early on that she wouldn’t be answering the questions asked of her by the moderator or her opponent, but would instead read talking points off of a note card directly to the American people?
You might say she exceeded expectations because she didn’t faint or curse… but seriously- she won the debate? Give me a break…
October 3, 2008 at 3:48 pm #642038
TheHouseMemberIdiot Hillbilly. Interesting. She’s a hell of a lot more successful in every facet of her life that you are.
What have you done in your lifetime?
October 3, 2008 at 5:01 pm #642039
RainyDay1235MemberWell, the thread is called that. I don’t think she’s an idiot or a hillbilly. I think she’s a right-wing redneck though.
Getting elected to public office (after an outrageously scnadalous predecessor mind you) and pumping out 5 kids does not equal success. It’s what you DO with that status. That is where I find her lacking. Why take it so personal House?
October 3, 2008 at 5:17 pm #642040
megMemberoops, didn’t note the thread title when reading through the comments…
October 3, 2008 at 5:49 pm #642041
wsteeMemberYou say right-wing redneck like it’s a bad thing…
I was raised by right wing rednecks. I don’t really know a clear definition of redneck but I am pretty sure my parents qualify. We were taught to work hard. And to pray before meals and bedtime. And to not judge a book by its cover. And to save money and not spend what you don’t have. And to plan ahead. And realize you have to control what you can and let the rest go.
My redneck family believes that it is your right to chose what you do to your body. And to believe in whatever god, goddess, universal being, whatever-you-make-up-in-your-mind. And it is ok to not believe too. Because no one is making you. So they weren’t all conservative and churchy.
I am so grateful to live in a country where people can blog their negativity. I am grateful to live in a country where two people can get up on national television and debate about the economy, the war, and gay marriage. I am grateful that the Democratic ticket has a man of color running it. I am grateful because John McCain picked a woman to be his running mate. I am grateful.
I suppose if I were back in Montana with the right wing rednecks and the other idiot hillbillies, I would hear a lot of lame rhetoric about Barak Obama. I am sure I would hear negative talk about his experience, lack of experience, his desire to sing “Kumbaya” with our Nation’s enemies. I would probably respond with comments about McCain’s LAME healthcare plan and my concerns about deregulation.
I have been the consummate lurker here on WSB. I never really commented because I felt like I wouldn’t be respected. No longer will I lurk. I am with House. I will use the blog like I first did-to find out about restaurant openings and events in my community. This right wing redneck is out. She can’t hang with the ramblings of people who can’t come up with something nice to say.
October 3, 2008 at 6:03 pm #642042
AnonymousInactivewstee, from what I have read from you, it seems like you would always be respected, as you are respectful. Hope you change your mind.
October 3, 2008 at 6:16 pm #642043
AnonymousInactiveFrom what I can gather, and what I have experienced on this forum, wstee is more concerned about her opinions not being respected as opposed to her, personally.
I have to agree. The conservative viewpoint is not respected on this forum. I have even been told that I should not live here because of my own conservative leanings. How’s that for tolerant?
I have to agree with wstee. Most people here are not nice. Not respectful. Ever since McCain announced Palin as his running mate, it’s been nothing but Palin bashing on here (with about 10 different threads started just for that purpose).
I have found that uninteresting to discuss with people and, therefore, have mostly not posted in those threads.
I figure it’s just a way for the majority of liberals who post here to air their mean-spirited thoughts. I just try and stay out of the way.
Welcome, wstee. I, too, hope that you continue to participate (at least when something of interest or of use is being discussed).
October 3, 2008 at 6:18 pm #642044
mellaw6565MemberNR – not all of us on here have engaged in name-calling or candidate bashing and are willing to have discussions with both sides. But you do have to admit that Palin brings some of it on herself.
October 3, 2008 at 6:39 pm #642045
i too was raised by a right wing redneck. my brothers and their kids still are…
And i thank my mom every day for the values she instilled in us.. even if the politicians she supported didn’t follow those values.
I think right wing red necks have been given a really raw deal by their party who grabs the rhetoric and doesn’t deliver the goods.
I think it is a shame that when they got around to choosing a woman to represent them, they thought their best choice was to pander to the lowest common denominator in their party.
I can think of lots of republican politicians i still respect, but unfortunately those i can respect since the Nixon era can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
It’s a shame really that really good caring people are being exploited by con men who say one thing and deliver another.
October 3, 2008 at 6:43 pm #642046
JanSParticipantNR…I realize that you probably think that us people on here to the left of center are the devil, but I’d argue with you on that any day. The “liberal” people on here do NOT have a monopoly on meanness, condescenscion, insensitivity. To wit, your calling out Joe Biden last night when he choked up talking about his son who was killed in a car accident. Maybe you just didn’t get what he was talking about…perhaps you should have been listening closer…but don’t paint everyone who disagrees with you with the same brush and color. We are all different…and passionate about what we believe and don’t believe. If it disagrees with your beliefs, so be it. You, and every conservative on here has the right to believe what you want…we may feel you’re wrong, but…hey…it’s just what we believe.
Mean-spirited? Name calling at it’s best…see? no one is perfect…not even you ;-)
October 3, 2008 at 7:29 pm #642047
villagegreenMemberAs I understand it, posts that cross the line by engaging in personal attacks get deleted. If you can’t handle the challenging of your opinions or tell the difference between an attack on an ‘idea’ vs. an attack on you as a person then you’re right, you probably shouldn’t post here.
Discussing politics oftens gets heated quickly. That’s just the way it is. There’s nothing you can do to change that fact. That’s why I choose not to discuss politics with certain members of my family – it just brings up too much anger and hostility. I’m frankly amazed that the threads on here don’t get nastier than they do.
October 3, 2008 at 7:47 pm #642048
RSMemberI agree villagegreen. Politics can be contentious. And you can have contentious arguments and debates without attacking people personally.
I don’t think I’m a mean-spirited liberal, but I do have a lot of anger about politics. Anger that our country has gone in the direction it has over the last 8 years, anger that certain politicians and their supporters display racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism and then pander to the lowest common denominator with token choices and empty rhetoric, anger that our country is so divided and that there may be little we can do to bridge that divide…
I think a lot of “us liberals” feel similarly and that comes across in our posts. But I see that anger and frustration as coming from a place of deeply held beliefs and a passionate hope for change, not from a mean spirit. I’m sure we are all, liberals and conservatives, much more complex than that.
October 3, 2008 at 8:07 pm #642049
AnonymousInactiveOnce again, something I said gets twisted.
I said that the “majority” of liberals on this forum, not ALL liberals on this forum, need to vent their anger and do.
I honestly didn’t know about Biden’s son. So my question of him crying (which WAS posed as a question) was completely innocent. Once someone explained that Biden had lost a son, I no longer commented on that. However, some of you chose to label me as “insensitive” because I asked that question. I think, JanS, you have gone so far as to liken me to a “name caller” because I simply asked a question.
I agree that political threads get heated and I fully understand why. Everyone is passionate about our country in this day and age. I do not agree that the nastiness I have witnessed on this forum comes from a place of deeply held anger and frustration. It’s simply nastiness. There are people who just cannot express themselves without being condescending to others.
I stand by my decision of not participating in the Palin bashing that occurs here on a daily basis because it is pointless, immature and down right mean. Those of you who feel that need to do it, carry on. But, like someone else said, it doesn’t do a darn thing to support your candidate or make your own candidate look more attractive.
October 3, 2008 at 8:17 pm #642050
CPMember“Idiot Hillbilly. Interesting. She’s a hell of a lot more successful in every facet of her life that you are.”
Consider yourself… REPORTED! :)
Does it take a lot of energy to be that mean?
October 3, 2008 at 8:25 pm #642051
CPMemberAnd NR – insensitive doesn’t begin to cover it. Did you just not know what he was choked up about, or did you not care? That’s what I’m not clear on. Either way I was deeply offended by your “question” as I’m sure many others would be.
I think that we are ALL not careful enough about the way we speak on here. If you felt something, be honest about it! But be prepared to change your viewpoint in light of new information instead of crabbing about being labeled. It happens when you go out on a limb and some people are rewarded for it and others are not. It’s too bad that often republicans get the short end of the stick on this forum. It’s the nature of the beast, unfortunately.
I come on here to share my opinions and air out my frustrations – I make no secret about that. That’s pretty much the point of blogging aside from learning new information from others (which I have on here often and thank you all from both sides of the fence for keeping me informed!)
I understand getting a little inflammatory as the underdog in these forums, but I think we should all take a good look at what we say before we get mad about what people think about it.
End preaching. I’m going to force myself into the cold now :)
October 3, 2008 at 8:29 pm #642052
JiggersMemberI love it.. You guys here love to just get at each other’s throats…lol
October 3, 2008 at 8:31 pm #642053
bunnypugMemberTo clarify Joe Biden lost both his wife and daughter in the car accident.
October 3, 2008 at 8:33 pm #642054
JanSParticipantNR…and again you misunderstood what I said. If you had been listening to what Joe Biden had been talking about, you would have known about his daughter? (thanks, bunny).(he lost his first wife in that accident, too, and almost his second son – the one going to Iraq)
The name calling was you calling the more liberal people on here mean spirited, and I simply pointed out that the liberals don’t have a monopoly on that.It had nothing to do with you asking a question.
Yes, everyone gets passionate about things, but I find nothing wrong with me pointing out something that I think is plainly and simply wrong. I am disagreeing with what you said, not slamming you personally.
October 3, 2008 at 8:36 pm #642055
isn’t there a mud wrestling championship somewhere that you can watch?
If there isn’t a perpetual mudbath online perhaps that is a business opportunity just waiting to be exploited.
October 3, 2008 at 8:40 pm #642056
JanSParticipantJoB … >;-D
October 3, 2008 at 8:41 pm #642057
charlabobParticipantEven Pat Buchanan had a hard time defending Palin’s insensitivity when Biden choked up. He wound up saying she didn’t want to embarrass him which, apparently, is why she ignored what he said and smirkingly went off to talk about herself.
Are there left-wing rednecks? I assume there could be — for example — Willie Nelson?
c – stll mean spirited and disrespectful after all these years — but only when it’s earned. :-)
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