Re: Will the MSM bury Climategate forever?


HMC Rich

Smitty, as our friend Jack Nicholson said to Tom Cruise, “You can’t handle the truth!’ This is grand. I find false science very disconcerting. I can’t fully get behind intelligent design because there isn’t enough science. I am so shocked.

When scientists fake their research, don’t allow peer review, discuss how to dodge Freedom of Information requests, you wonder why some people have railed against MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING. If we were given the truth maybe we would be on board with some of these issues.

Academia/scientific research just had an atomic bomb go off and they can’t handle it. Just like the MSM is afraid to carry this story because daddy won’t bail them out if they do. They weren’t afraid to bring up global warming issues during the previous administrations tenure, why so quiet now?

As far as I and most rational people can tell, Climate change is real. We see the geologic/historic record. Ice Ages happen, global warming happens. Flash, 10,000 years ago the Wooly Mammoth didn’t believe in Ice Ages. Look what happened to them and the Sabretooth Cats.

Hey deniers . . . using science and history to prove a point. How many times are you going to say history doesn’t matter?

Because of the hysteria, people are trying to take advantage of us. Cap and trade is another way to control businesses and tax people. It’s an inconvenient truth when the truth comes out. Water Vapor is the most prevalent Green House gas. When the Norwegians were worried their reindeer passing too much gas, I had to light a match to clear the stench in the room. Give me a break. Oh Cows are bad for us. We must all become vegetarians! Wait, too many beans or tubers cause too much gas, guess you can only have a certain type of vegetable or fruit. Beef, it’s what for dinner. But don’t let fido have any because his carbon footprint is as much as a SUV.

Do I believe humans pollute the earth? Why of course and we should do what we reasonably can to keep this earth as clean as possible. But “reasonable” has different meanings for different groups. Al Gore, and the others are using us. Some genuinely care. They need to step forward and have an honest debate.

How about applying a little common sense, true research and a willingness to listen to all points of view. Maybe something good will come out of it. I know some day I will prefer Electric cars to gas guzzlers. I hate sucking in diesel fumes. Someday the hybrids and electric cars will be more affordable.

Fact is the Republicans did not make the “scientists” lie. Nope, no bait and switch allowed by progressives. Why Russian hackers did this is beyond me. The Right will make hay about this and they should along with the middle and left. This should be about the facts.

Jones and crew at CRU got nailed and some of you don’t like it. Talk about denial.

Busted. Cheaters. Liars.

Jeffro, where’s the love for honest disagreement? Obama is not evil. He is a progressive trying to force a big government agenda on us and is sending us deeper into debt (with a smile on his face). It is apparent he doesn’t like the limits set by the Constitution but with a filibuster proof House and Senate, he doesn’t have to worry too much about that document. Now, I must admit, it is nice not to breathe second hand smoke in a restaurant or bar. Why don’t both parties ban it? Republicans and Democrats love Big Tobacco. It funds so many of their precious programs. And if it is so bad, why do the pro cannabis people want to legalize marijuana? There are probably a few carcinogens in that too. Shut up and scrape the resin from your bong. By the way, how much does smoking pot hurt the environment? The question is, how truthful are the scientific findings on second hand smoke? hmmmm? Their evidence seemed reasonable but now that the East Anglia Scientists stretched the truth a whole bunch, maybe some other scientists did the same. Didn’t a korean get convicted recently for false science about cloning? Autism caused by vaccines has been debunked too! I guess we can’t always trust science. In reality, we can’t trust some people to tell the truth. Too bad, because we want to believe in people. I know I do but they keep messing it up.