October 9, 2010 at 1:09 am
Similar behavior on Admiral drives me up the wall (I’m talking ’bout you, yellow trike driver). I heard about Burma Shave signs from an older relative…and I wanted to put these signs in the shrubs:
“Why Cheat?”
“Its only your Friends and Neighbors…”
“Your are trying to beat.”
I have gotten PO’ed at the backup on 99 southbound to jump in the middle lane thinking it was some slow-boat or stalled car only to discover, no, really the backup is that long.
In this event I drive over the 1st South Bridge and wend my way back to Alki from Delridge because it was my own fault and won’t cheat back in. But then I “don’t walk” when the “don’t walk” sign flashes at crosswalks.