Re: Why are you a Republican?



I resent, Rich, that you imply that those on the other side of the coin (you know, those evil Dem. libs), do not take personal responsibility for our actions, are not charitable, do not believe in Liberty and the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.

Do not paint with a broad brush, and maybe we’d get somewhere…it’s not a damned contest…” na-na-na-na-na, I do more than you do, I believe better than you do” . It’s silly. Remove the labels, and what you have is people. Sit in a crowded room sometime and see whether yu can pick out the ones who take personal responsibility and those who don’t, try to see who is a conservative repub, and who is on the opposite side…bet you can’t. But your words sure did sound good..and that’s all they were – words…