Re: Why are you a Republican?



There are very few “true” Republicans left in West Seattle that can support the agenda that the national party stands for in good faith.

Smitty, it’s good to see that you’re not a die-hard Republican on issues like abortion and the death penalty. These are issues where the party contradicts itself in a wholesale fashion.

The Republican party has traditionally stood for individual freedoms and for the government to stay out of an individual’s private matters.

Unfortunately, the party no longer stands for these things, mostly because it has been taken over by religious zealots that value their interpretation of religious values over individual rights.

The party also doesn’t truly believe in low tax rates. It believes in higher effective tax rates for individuals, especially in lower income brackets, while hedge fund managers and others who receive most of their income from “investments” pay lower effective rates than someone who makes $30k/year (taking payroll taxes into account).

It would be nearly impossible to be a “true” Republican, truly believe what the party preaches, and be rational at the same time right now.

And this is coming from someone who voted for Republicans for most of his life, until the past few years.

The party has just become far too extreme nationally for me (and any other rational person, I would argue) to reasonably support.