Ms .Fluke is attending a law school, whose graduates AVERAGE 160K a year starting salary. She tried to “crash” a party that wasn’t about birth control. It was about the First Amendment. The balance between the rights of Freedom of Religion and the onslaught of this administration. Ms. Fluke is attending a college with an annual cost of over 60K. She is an elitist of the elites. She can’t come up with $12.00 per month for BC pills? If Daryl Issa was holding a BC meeting, maybe, she would have been an appropriate witness, But he wasn’t and she wasn’t. Congress invites witnesses to testify to contribute to the discussion. Issa chairs the Government Oversight and Government Reform committee…the purpose of the hearing was as titled ” Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?” She is an activist of considerable political savvy… she was there as a willing stooge of the left. So poor… I mean when I was in grad school. It was a organized set up. This is not a Raman noodle every night grad student….. in jeans and sweats. She is a well compensated political tool/activist, certainly nit an expert on conflicts between church and state. It was a political wack job. She was custom made for folks just like ….you. I read the transcripts between Maher and Limbaugh….. Maher as far worse… including mocking her child with Down’s syndrome…. but never a word from the lame street media. Not a word. Ms. Fluke was not invited because the hearing was not about medical issues..hers or others. My student health insurance didn’t cover birth control… .50 cents and Trojan did. I figured, my conduct, my responsibility. And “poor” students have BC covered by Title X…. and have for years. Let her “friend” testify…at a Health Committee session. What a bunch of hooey.