Re: WASL/School Standards



New Resident-

You wrote:Because he/she lives and breaths the actual lowering of standards, he/she sees it everyday, and then you people tell him/her that he/she doesn’t know what he/she is talking about sounds a little elitist to me.

–How about the numerous teaching professionals who logged on to explain why his/her theories are misguided? Do you think WE don’t live and breathe and witness these “lowering of standards”? Rather than being a 17 year old with plenty of opinions, we have careers, education, and frankly,more of an inside scoop on the inner-workings of what he/she is talking about. The fact that this child, (I say child not to knock his or her intelligence, but more lack of expertise in this area.) correlates a learning disability with mental illness is an apalling misconception.

He/she also admitted to looking down on fat people simply because they are fat. Where is the compassion and empathy in that? Is that how you would want YOUR child to view the world?

I feel very sorry for this kid. He/she has failed/missed one of the biggest life lessons of all.