A couple of months ago I started finding doggie poop bags in our garbage can (we don’t have a dog). I pulled out the bags and dropped them right next to the can in the alley. Then I picked up my garbage can and – like others here – moved it out of the alley and up next to our back door. Within a few days, the poop bags had been picked up. And we were able to move the garbage can back out into the alley a couple of weeks later without any more trouble. I like cb’s idea of locking the recycle bin. That’s what I would do. I also would go down to the hardware store and buy some of those red signs that say “KEEP OUT” and tape them to the bins. I really don’t like the idea of anyone going through my stuff either. I have heard stories of artists putting their “bad” paintings in the garbage, only to find out later that neighbors had retrieved them and hung them on their walls! The artists’ own fault IMHO.