@wakeflood, thank you! i really appreciate your informed sharing on this topic. in general, i think that the electorate in WS thinks that bringing Light Rail to our neck of the woods will be WAY easier than it will be in reality. for example, i have heard how challenging it will be to put rail on the upper bridge (from my understanding, it won’t be allowed on the lower because of frequency of maritime openings and maritime having a priority below), so BRT becomes the next most feasible option.
my question is, though, how politically feasible this really is. i mean, every time SDOT re stripes the road for bus priority, west seattlites go crazy, let alone take away a WHOLE LANE of traffic for BRT? i want to believe we will all get behind this (as a SOV driver right now, I would) but I just don’t know…maybe once all these buildings are built and the bridge is that much more congested, our collective perspective will change…