What in the hell are you talking about?
Ok, let’s keep it simple.
How is this “Impeachment worthy”? I’m assuming you’re speaking of the president? Please define and clarify what the presidency has to do with the IRS. Please back up your answer with examples of how the president has manipulated the IRS in the past.
There are moderates in West Seattle. I would even go so far as to say there are at least fiscal conservatives in West Seattle, and pretty social conservatives in West Seattle as well, although there is a definite stigma to being labeled as such. This tends to drive them “underground” so to speak. I tended bar here for a while and found once the drinks started to go down, the tongues loosened quite a bit and I was surprised to hear what came out of their mouths. Now as far as the WSB goes….not too sure what to tell you. Maybe start a thread to find the Cons in the audience and get them to come out of the woodwork….
The climate change thread is one that you have proven to have no good footing. I (and a few others) gave you a chance to back up your theories with science and you failed. I must point you to your own words in in which you stated “The smug, robotic adherence to approved-talking-point-think ignorance is staggering…” This, I think we have shown, is the problem I have with your responses thus far. Your backing out is your choice and one which I am sad to see happen. I too would like to see a less than one-sided discussion.
HMC RIch would be one you should look to to help with a balance. Smitty tends to add some conservative leaning posts as well. Maybe you can try and develop some camaraderie with them to further your points. Just remember, when you spout points as facts, better be able to back them up with your sources.