There is nothing wrong with letting your infant suck on the end of a beer bottle, empty or with the last teaspoon of beer in it. You’re not going to make them drunk. You expose them more to alcohol when you drink in front of them. So if that’s a concern of yours then maybe you should think about that the next time you have a beer or wine in front of your child.
I am writing this while enjoying a bottle of an ice cold Pike Pale Ale, and I’m biting it. Hard. It’s not a choking hazard (way too big), so if I can’t crack this thick bottle with my experience of eating and 30+ years of strengthening those muscles, explain to me how this would be dangerous to an infant?
The only good point you had was that it was maybe risking the livelihood of the restaurant. Too bad the “bouncer” felt he had to yell at the OP. Could have asked for the bottle politely, but he was in the right to protect his business. If I was there when this happened and you made a scene to call the “proper authorities” – I would have told you to RELAX, it’s none of your business.