Also.. thank you to the committe members who did the real work of putting this event together.
Thank you JenV… and VelvetBulldog…and both Charla and Bob of Charlabob.. and JanS… and Francine… and Tracey.. our sometimes not so silent member…
You rock!
And to everyone not mentioned who showed up on the day of the event and got to work…helping make this a success…
and to the forum members who showed up and braved a name tag with their sign in names on it and engaged in the spirit of the event and in spirited conversation…
And to Gary and his wife who run a mighty fine pub at Beveridge Place Pub….
and to Pete from the West Seattle food bank who not only stopped by but stayed to party with us all…
and thank you especially to those shining faces that walked out with the handbags languishing in the back of my closet… they were great bags.. they just didn’t work for me:)
now.. i have a little leprechaun business to take care of… for the real secret of this fairy goodmother is that she has an Irish heart:)