in answer to smitty…
i am not boycotting because of the recipient of the donation. i am boycotting because of the donation itself.
at best this is a business trying to buy the election of a pro-business candidate… something i am totally against.
for those like me who don’t choose to join the boycott sponsored by move-on objecting to this specific donation…
but who want to boycott because they will not support businesses taking advantage of the new corporate donation law.. i am posting the content of my letter to Target.
Please feel free to copy and use it if it works for you.
i purposefully wrote it so that i can easily adapt it later to any business because i am pretty sure this is not the only corporate boycott letter i will be writing for this cause.
i do believe that buying boycotts work.
I am still not shopping at whole foods.
the letter…
dear Greg Steinhafel
CEO of Target
I want to inform you that that I am joining the boycott of target over the recent political donation made by your company..
I am not joining this boycott simply because the money was given to a cause I personally find reprehensible but because I don’t choose to subsidize any company that takes advantage of the latest Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance contributions to make political contributions outside of their existing PACs.
The right of free speech is an individual right. Vesting individual rights in corporations dilutes the right of individual free speech which is one of the founding principles of this nation.
It’s good that you have apologized to your employees for creating this controversy and are setting up a panel to deliberate future donations so that your corporate donations won’t reflect just your personal political choices, but it isn’t enough.
I will not shop in Target or use my Target VISA again until you pledge not to make political contributions from Target outside of your PAC.
I have enjoyed being a loyal Target customer and will miss shopping in your stores.