pointing out that the quotes you chose to present as representative of that report were part of the dissenting opinion and not that of the committee itself is not refuting anything. It is simply identifying your source.
You read the report and chose to focus on the partisan criticism some Republicans made of the report instead of commenting on the actual evidence… or referring to the commission’s findings.
That is your choice…
You assume that there is more damaging evidence that will exonerate the President… if only we had access to it.
That is also your choice…
However, i would point out to you that this committee included senators who are supposed to have access to that kind of information.. if it exists.
Perhaps you don’t understand how the committee reports work.. the committee report is what the public sees after all of the partisan negotiation has already happened during committee meetings about what can and will be reported.
the dissenting opinion on the other hand is purely partisan.. not subject to any negotiation…
I would like to know what evidence the Republicans succeeded in having removed from this report…
i have more faith in the existence of that evidence than i do in the supposedly secret evidence that would contradict the conclusions of this commission.
i hope we learn some of those answers in my lifetime… tho i don’t expect that we will.
I know you choose to see the world through the prism of Republican politics… but seeing the world through the prism of democratic politics is not the only other alternative.