Re: Sonics in SODO?



So my question is two-fold:

Question #1- why would a basketball/hockey arena need to have a retractable roof? What would the application be?

Question #2- why would such a far-fetched plan (1.2 billion of private money, with no public assistance is approximately 10x more money then Ballmer and co. offered with the tax payers matching his contribution, and its about 15x more then Clay asked while demanding 450 million in public support)- just to give you some examples. Most saying the $550 million palace proposed by Clay was completely overkill, and far beyond anything every built for that purpose. So why not double it, and put up 100% of the money, and not say who you are, or where the money comes from…. And to top it off why not have your press conference on APRIL FOOL’S DAY!