Re: Somking Outside Bars



I am a 16 year ex-two pack per day smoker (I quit Jan. 19th, 1993) and I have to admit that I have become a vehement anti-smoker now. (And no – I don’t have lung disease or cancer). Since I quit, cigarettes absolutely STINK to me – in fact that smell makes me nauseous. I hadn’t been to a bar in years until they passed the smoking ban, and it was a real treat to be able to take my sweetie to a dance or play pool without stripping off my clothes in the garage and taking a shower when I got home to get rid of the smell.

However, now I’m inundated with smoke at the doors of lots of buildings around town because of the smokers milling about. I too have to try to hold my breath and hope that my clothes don’t pick up the smell in the cloud that’s present when I try to walk into the doorway.

My solution – I tell the managers of a store or building where smokers are lurking out front that if they don’t enforce the 25 ft rule in front of their businesses that I will take pictures with my cell phone and forward them to code enforcement. It usually only takes the managers a few seconds to make the smokers move.

Maybe instead of bitching on this blog more people should demand that businesses enforce the 25 ft limit or they will be reported – in other words – be part of the solution.