Re: Social Security



hooper 1961

you say you are in construction so you probably actually know some construction workers who are in their 50s and 60s.

You may even employ some if you didn’t fire them for fear of them running up medical and workman comp costs.

Bodies wear out. Bodies that do physical labor wear out sooner. The bodies of those who haven’t had proper nutrition and medical care wear out even sooner than those who did physical work that provided a living wage.

Raising the retirement age to reflect the physical health and employment opportunities for white collar workers unfairly burdens those who have made their living the hard way.. by grueling physical labor.

When those rising tides lifted all boats.. they didn’t do so much for the working poor in our country.

i think the current stat is that one in six americans in our country faces hunger.

One in six.

And you think we should squeeze the elderly?

all so we can pay the bill for wars we shouldn’t have waged and tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate welfare.

I don’t think so.