the problem with the ten year plan as i see it is that too many affordable housing units have been leveled to provide mixed use spaces that provide far fewer affordable housing units than existed before the plan was enacted…
while mixed use might be the best long range solution for affordable housing.. the short range results are that the need is increasing as housing units are decreasing.
there is a huge need in Clark county for 24 hour shelters/living spaces that would allow the temporarily homeless to work the odd schedules that patching together temporary and part time jobs create … and to save enough to move on to permanent housing.
not to mention housing for the disabled who have incomes that could provide housing but still have no place to live.
As far as i can tell.. right now our city hall including the council is playing pass the buck.. someday your boat will come in politics with the issue of homelessness…
and i don’t know how to make that change.
a pilot program here or there is not going to do it.