>>i wish people would get rid of the prevailing idea that some humans deserve to live more than others..
Jo, has anyone here said anything like that? I don’t think so.
Let’s get someting out on the table: Nickelsville is a complex and ethically difficult problem. The best minds in the City can’t seem to lick this one, so is it any surprise that we should be having some trouble with it here on the Blog?
Still, we’ve got to come to terms with this thing, and we’ve got to keep the discussion open for all.
I’ll vouch for your experience with Nickelsville. I’ll vouch for the fact that you care a lot about people. But just because you care about people, it doesn’t make you some kind of homelessness policy expert. And, conversely, just because someone has a different opinion than yours, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care.
I think that’s what was eating at JimmyG. He felt that we were being high-handed, but he didn’t know how to vocalize that, so along with his criticisms of us, he blurted out something that made him sound foolish.
I actually hope JimmyG comes back here. I hope Velo Nut gets back into the game, too. And other folks as well. We need to get everyone’s input on this.
For the nonce, Jo, I will assume that both Jimmy and Velo are caring people, who are acting in good faith. Just like you and me.