Just got your post Lowmanbeach. It has been a flamewar and I feel like the majority of flames are heading my way. As a mom and WSeattlite I have started thinking I might need to get off of here before I start receiving real hate-mail. I don’t want to have to start watching my back walking down California Ave, but I feel like there is some hate coming my way now.
I’ve never spent so much time on my computer outside of work, but find a need to defend things and not leave pieces misconstrued here. I would like to have peace with this all and thought we would after Meryl got on.
I don’t want to play “His story” vs “My store.” I just want to move on now. I would be happy continuing a forum about BF in public,etc…but feel like this one is getting hateful. I am not use to so much negativity and don’t really want to partake in this much negativity anymore. It is not good for anyone.
I don’t really care if EVERYONE feels like I was wrong that day. ( I admitted immediately after pointed out, that i SHOULD HAVE asked the management out of courtesy first.) It is always so hard to judge a situation you are not a part of. I understand that. But I fear that this is giving BFing, LLL, and BF law a bad rap almost.
I never planned on anything like this. I just needed to vent my awful experience originally, but now feel like I’m past venting and just in explaination-mode all the time. I want to stop explaining. I know how all of you feel now. It is not worth it to dissect this anymore.
Please let me know what you think so we can move on from here. I don’t have time to keep up with this forum anymore, but don’t want to leave things hanging.
It has been great to see the diversity of opinions revolving around BF in general…but maybe a bit depressing too. I am such a strong believer in BF rights, that I have felt obligated to stay on here. Maybe we could change this post to be less about SIS and me now that all these rants have been laid out and move towards a BF in public. Seems like an easier way for people to lay out their feelings.