From what I can tell people are griping about ALL dog owners, one of the arguments (besides the obvious “against the law”) is that other park users have to deal with dog poop and THAT is why dogs shouldn’t be allowed off leash. Don’t dogs on leashes poop? So should dog owners not be allowed to take the dog out at all because no matter what it will probably poop. As for the possibility that a child could come up and do something to the dog and the dog would defend itself then maybe kids should be on a leash also, because a kid could do something to a dog while the dog is on a leash also. I’ve seen many times a parent walking over with a child to a dog to “pet the nice doggy” without asking “may my child pet your dog”. So is it the dog owners fault if the dog doesn’t take kindly to being pet? I know that there are irresponsible dog owners and I know that it’s the law, but it would be nice for dog owners to have somewhere (local) to take their dogs to play off leash, because really how many people have huge yards to play with their dogs in? Oh, and the comment about having a large breed and not being able to handle it and it being irresponsible to own a large dog in an apartment, some of the smallest dogs need A LOT of exercise, more than some of the larger dogs, and just because someone lives in an apartment/condo or small house with no yard doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be “allowed” to have a dog. Oh, and in the other post JenV, nice attitude about the poodle biting someone where the sun don’t shine…classy.