No, both motives are ultimately the same: to make the ugliness go away. What’s different is the method.
Method 1: Remove the signs as they appear. This makes the ugliness go away now, but you have to do it again and again, and if you can’t keep up, then the ugliness reappears.
Method 2: Slice the signs. This leaves the ugliness for now, but might cause the ugliness to cease over time, as the uglifiers learn that they are wasting their efforts.
Is Method 2 working? Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be so far. But who knows? If not for the Mad Hacker, things might be worse . . .
Anyway, it’s a larger principle we’re talking about here, namely, whether it’s better to treat diseases or symptoms.
“For every thousand men pruning the branches of the tree of evil, there is but one who is hacking at the root.” —Emerson