Re: BIG RANT: US Post Office – Westwood (and a question about the complaint process)



I live in Arbor Heights and also get delivery (if you can call it that)through Westwood Station. I have lodged dozens of complaints and made at least 50 or more calls over the last 4 years. The service is atrocious. My mail is often not delivered at all, misdelivered, or outgoing mail not picked up. Like one of the above posters, I am frequently home and outside all day and never see a carrier. Once my regular carrier found 3 weeks of my mail, including a package, stuffed in the box of a vacant house. The station managers (who change every few months) are not helpful, and the local customer service reps are outrageously rude – on top of being unhelpful. I’ve even tried the federal online complaint form, but they told me I’d have to resolve the issue locally. It’s a relief to hear that I’m not the only one having issues. They always find a way to marginalize and dismiss individuals who complain. I suggest we find a way to lodge a complaint as a group. Patty Murray’s office can handle this, and they have told me they get frequent complaints about the USPS.