Re: RANT: Shame on you Trader Joes



WSB: I’m a lawyer and I read both the state statute and the municipal code. I don’t see any meaningful difference. The structure is a little different: SMC 11.58.190 opens with “no person shall…,” while RCw 46.61.685 opens with “it is unlawful for any person to…” But the relevant language about leaving a child in the car when its motor is running is the same. So I don’t see an infraction or misdemeanor here. That’s not to say it isn’t unsafe to do this; just that there seems to be a clear line between situations where the motor is running and those where it is not.

Personally, I’d rather live in a world where my fellow citizens are comfortable approaching me and talking to me if I am doing something that endangers my children than one where people feel like the first and best option is to call the police or have someone else call the police.