Re: Rant or Rave? ~ Colton Harris-Moore



DP, let me start by thanking you for my daily giggle!

Catch Me If You Can was a movie a few years back about an intelligent boy much like this. Do we really need another?

I for one was surprised to hear that he is 6’5″ tall! We were shown a few pictures of him while the newest reports of his exploits were detailed on the news. He was referred to as a “teen” but never did I hear an indication of his height. I wouldn’t have guessed he was so tall, and wouldn’t have recognized him, even had he stood next to me at a store. Although technically a teen at 19 years old, he is an adult and should be held accountable as such.

I had often wondered where his parents were and why they weren’t speaking publicly or helping the police. I think his mother is a vile, money grubber now that she has resurfaced, in the attempts to make money off him. If money is made from this story, I hope it is used for restitution only.