Re: RANT: Admiral Traffic in the A.M.



I’m lucky in that I don’t have to commute out of West Seattle daily, but when I have to (Thursday morning), if I encounter something like that, what’s so bad about letting one car in. Yes, maybe they cheated, but I just figure I don’t have to be the assh*** that they are, and I will let ONE car in. Two? probably not…someone behind me can do that. I figure it won’t slow me down much, and we’ll all get there. Does it make me cranky? As they say in other parts of the city “You betcha!” The ones that really piss me off are the ones who want to cut in and don’t even use a signal. Guess they haven’t been in West Seattle long enough to know that Friday is the only “signals optional” day here – ;-)(yes, it’s a joke)