Let me get this straight:
1. Hillary can do no wrong.
2. If Hillary does wrong, see #1.
3. It’s racist to support Barack because he’s black, but it’s empowering and not at all sexist to support Hillary because she’s a woman.
4. Fearmongering is OK if Hillary does it; when Barak protests, he’s a big ole weenie who should toughen up.
5. Hillary is always a victim of hate when she is criticized. There is no fair criticism of her. (See #1 again.)
6. Barack is a big ole meanie for standing up for himself.
7. It’s cool to count your spouse’s experience, your teen job in the mailroom, your lemonade stand at age 5, and your twenty minutes at the nonprofit sector as “experience in public service”.
8. Olbemrann is gonna kick Hillary’s butt tonight. (this one is actually true.)
Do I have it straight now?