Oh JanS, sorry you are coughing and feeling bad. Get Better Soon!!!
I find communication by written word to be very difficult. Maybe that is why my posts are so long!! I know what I mean but do I convey it sufficiently to others? We can only try.
Now, wouldn’t it be nice if Social Security and Medicare were going to be solvent? I will or hope to retire in about 20 years. I am willing to pay into SS because my Grandparents (87 and 91) use it. My dad, 70, needs it. My mother probably won’t need it but she deserves it too since she probably paid more into than my dad and her parents.
For the good of my family and others I am willing to help out (our citizens), but I do not expect it to be there in its present form in 2027. I will be teaching my son to Save, Save, Save because I do not trust the government to manage the system properly. At this point I wonder about our banking system too. Whether my son does it is another question. He will need to take care of himself and hopefully his mother and I will not be a burden.
I do not know very much about SS but I see a huge problem on the horizon.
Solutions. Well… we could have a lot more babies and then they would become employed and pay the social security taxes?? Baby Boom II?
We could change the law of how SS is run and change it from pay as you go to an actual savings plan and actually force congress not to spend what is not rightfully theirs.
We could streamline it but generally gov programs get larger. I do expect the taxes to go up fairly soon. How intrusive will they be?? Hopefully they will cut some other areas if they do that.
Mostly we need to elect enough people who are independent enough to try to fix it.
My hardcore instincts as a conservative say that if it fails, so be it, BUT I really do not want it to. I know that too many people depend on it. It was meant as a supplement but for too many it is their only means. My dad lost a pension because of a greedy Corporate Holding Company. When you pay into something for 30 plus years, you sort of expect to get a little back. I think other government programs should be scrapped but not this one.
It is up to us to make this work out.
whooa, I’ve got to go to bed. I will finish later. I don’t feel like argueing about some of the other points made in other posts. Good night (good morning really).