Re: Political Gum.



Nice JoB JoB :)

Those interested in one of the “sources” some here would use to refute the statements JoB is making, should find this series interesting.

Sure it is on Daily KOS, but the words quoted are indeed the insane lies and crazier opinions of those 23% who would have us believe that Bush was right to invade Iraq.

William Kristol is neither stupid nor uneducated.

This does not seem to stop him from letting his ideology overrule the evidence, the history of the region, or the reports from those on the ground.

Also note, as “Dan Quayle’s Brain” in the Regan Administration, he knew first hand much of the information he continually seems to ignore.

So fire up your link following tabbed browser and follow along the twisted talking points path that the wingnuts follow blindly and at deliberate speed.

Punditry Kristolized

by BarbinMD

After a New York Times editorial page editor defended the hiring of William Kristol by making the laughable claim that he was, “a serious, respected conservative intellectual,” I was inspired to put together a collection that would show how often and overwhelmingly wrong Kristol has been. In Part I of this series, Kristol’s relentless drum beat for war in Iraq was highlighted, while Part II focused on his fearmongering claims about WMD and his later rationalizations when those weapons failed to materialize. And this week I will concentrate on Kristol’s demonization of those who opposed the war and his rosy assessments of progress in Iraq.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The above series “Kristolizes” one question.

If a pundit is continually and disastrously wrong, why are they still employed as a “pundit?