When my nephew was 10 months old he was attacked and bitten by the family dog. He needed to plastic surgeries to repair the damage to his face. The family bought the dog from a breeder (a long time friend of the family) with a good reputation when it was 8 weeks old. The dog was trained, well loved and never abused and yet for no apparent reason the dog seriously injured a child who had nothing to arouse the dog except walk by at the wrong time. The dog was a labrador retriever one of the most popular dog breeds for families. You cannot judge an individual dog’s temperament on breed (just as you cannot judge an individual person on race). Kudos to those of you who recognize your Cujos and deal with them appropriately. The sad reality is some people do not make informed decisions when choosing a pet. All dogs can be dangerous (personally, I am far more fearful of the toy or miniature breeds than I am of the large breeds) and should never be off-leash in a public place unless it is in an off-leash dog parks. I know I will receive flack about this but let’s face it folks dogs are predators we have domesticated. It is a tribute to the canine’s good-natured acceptance of us that we don’t have more bites and attacks.
And in reference to Lattemom I know she is NOT a troll. She truly believes what she writes. She will always attack when she feels cornered i.e., whenever anyone disagrees with her. Trying to have a reasonable discussion with her on any topic is impossible. She is incapable of seeing anything beyone herself. Let us all hope she gets the help she truly needs.