Fair enough. Pemco.
Sidewalk is clear, unbroken and we’ve filled in the parking strip all along the sidewalk so the route is now wider than sidewalk alone. Sadly, the city has done nothing to make our sidewalks wheelchair accessible, no corner ramps, etc. I navigate the stroller without trouble, but someone with a walker or wheelchair would be effectively stranded here save for driveways.
In our situation a fence won’t do as we live on a hillside. There is no height limit on the shrubs, so we can grow up so neighbors don’t look down into our space. We’ll hack down the canopy come spring to force new growth in the hopes of filling in the huge gaps in the old hedge.
I appreciate the input. I am not at all in disagreement about number of violations in our area somehow changing what the code is, just that our particular complainer must not be on a safety crusade as these other obstructions are not an issue.
Thank you all for honest feedback. Helps me keep my perspective.