Re: Parking meters in West Seattle?



Just so you all know, the Times story is nothing new at all – nothing in this story (which I read last night) is news. This study has been under way for a year and we have covered it here extensively – it’s a case of a citywide media source deciding to jump into something happening in a neighborhood.

So if you want to read the actual details about what’s been happening, since we first reported this was proposed in February 2008:

… please check the Junction parking review coverage category (where the 19 WSB articles on the subject are archived, newest to oldest):

They have had meetings, tours, requests for public involvement, ALL of which have been reported here, with previews and followup articles. If you have missed those somehow and have not provided your feedback, Dante Taylor, manager of the Junction review, can be reached at:

And if you are interested in the topic, bookmark that coverage category (or find it from the CATEGORIES list in the lower sidebar) because anything additional we publish on this – next thing I expect is when the study data is made public – will appear there, in addition of course to being new on the main page when it’s published. Thank you.