Forgot to mention, I’ve been seeing Dr. Weingeist at West Seattle Eye Clinic (the one in Westwood Village) for several years. They ARE opthalmologists there. I like him very much, but the thing is that I have some quirky vision issues and have a terrible time getting a correct prescription. I’m not 100% sure if it’s them or me, but I suspect me as this goes back to the east coast. One thing I can say is that they are patient with me and have re-done my glasses without extra charge. And once when my vision changed 6 months later, I was told that because the doctor changed my prescription less than 6 months later, there would be no charge. I also find the eyeglass center on the lower level to be really good – especially Daniel. I’ve considered checking out another dr., but have had no success finding another opthalmologist in West Seattle (at least one that takes my insurance, if one exists otherwise). Oh, and Dr. Weingeist, after an exam, was able to alert me to the fact that I should get checked for diabetes due to some eye changes (and he was right – it had been triggered by a medication I was on, and I had no idea).