Re: Occupy Seattle!



It means TDe… the obvious. I don’t expect relief from the thief who held the ladder for the thief who came in through the window, The UAW can look after itself. 8 year old kids needing a good education can’t. Wall street is loaded with Ivy Leaguers, they can look out for themselves. I will give the “Street” credit.. they are pragmatic. The offer cash. We get ‘promises” that hopefully someone else will pay for. And it works.. over and over and over again. Bman is right. The tax code is a 50 year biography of influence peddling. That would be step one and a major step. “We”… ? yea, right. You are as welcome to that party as a parent observing a PS classroom. The “we” is in effect during the campaign. Where is The Messiah this week? Out looking for money.. two fund raisers in just Tampa. Those are his and every other politicians agenda for the next year. That and slathering pork out there…