Re: Not looking good for Woody Allen



Some of you may remember the case of winery executive Gary Ramona in the 1990’s. His daughter confronted him with accusations of repeated sexual abuse which he of course denied.

He accused her therapist of implanting false memories. Many similar cases followed.

The media coverage of this gave power to my abuser who tried to convince family and others this is what I was guilty of – false memories. Allen is going to try and do the same damn thing.

I had never forgotten. I will not ever forget. If I was an artist, I could create a short filled with pain and loss. My therapist, whom I was seeing about an unrelated matter, was the first person I had ever told, other than my husband.

I wish my mom had never been told this happened to me. She felt at fault, and she wasn’t.

@anonyme, I agree. His actions send a clear message.

@metrognome, sad but true. Abuse is an equal opportunity hurt.

@JoB, you are correct. I still remember my therapist’s words after relating my family history to him. I said, ‘pretty messed up family, huh?’ He replied, ‘Yours is not unlike so many others.’

@ellenater, agreed. Data + evidence = truth. Hard to talk about as adults, and even harder to talk about if you’re a child. I don’t think I knew the words or how to even tell my parents what was happening.

@angelescrest, I’ve never liked Woody Allen and it’ll be no problem for me to avoid his films.

@Jeannie, couldn’t put it better.

One of my favorite proverbs, on my educator business card:

“A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.”

Make your mark a gold star :)