Well, obviously the level of intoxication inevitably increases with hard alcohol, DataMuse, because hard alcohol has a higher percentage of alcohol, and yet everyone drinks the same volume regardless of whether the ABV is 5%, 15%, or 50%. For example, if I get home from a long day at work and want to kick back with a cold beer, only to discover I’m out of beer, I’ll choose instead to poor a pint glass of nice cold vodka.
Thus, my intoxication is inevitably higher than if I had only had beer.
(For the sarcasm-impaired, this was written with tongue very firmly planted in cheek.)
In all seriousness, though, it’s not *what* one drinks that’s the problem, it’s the quantity and the person’s attitude toward alcohol. There is nothing inherently more dangerous about someone drinking a 1 oz. shot of 80-proof tequila vs. someone drinking a 6 oz. glass of pink zinfandel; both contain approximately the same amount of alcohol, and one can become terribly inebriated from too much of either. The demonization of “spirits” needs to end.