Re: NBA coming back to Seattle?



“Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.” Ha, true. All true.

kootch’s posts are a tossed salad of myths, half-truths, and non-sequiturs. But there’s usually a morsel or two of truth in there as well . . . something I can get my teeth into.

He accuses the sports arena boosters of wanting to “privatize the profits and make the risk a general one.” Hell, isn’t that what a lot of us lefties have been griping about, too? Socialized risk and privatized gain?

Seattle’s proposed business partner on the arena deal says he’ll put money into an escrow fund to make good on any losses the city might incur if the expected revenue doesn’t materialize. Which makes me wonder: If the guy has that much money to lay out in the first place, why doesn’t he just finance the stadium himself?

If he’s got the money; let him risk it. If he hasn’t got the money, he should quit wasting our time.