even i.. a strong Hillary supporter.. applaud you.
This was not an easy thing to do.. and i think you did a great job.
and i wouldn’t worry so much about what you didn’t say… we all armchair quarterback ourselves afterwards. if only we had said….
but i would ask why you thought it was necessary to spend any of your precious time talking about Hillary.. unless of course, you were asked direct questions?
this is the great mystery to me in this campaign… why so many feel they have to put her down in the most forceful terms to support him?
all of those examples you use to show what a bad person she is.. how dishonest she is.. can be heard more than one way… and most of you only listen to what the evening news and your candidates campaign spin doctors tell you to hear.
if you believe strongly in your candidate, you can support them best with your enthusiasm.
When that superdelegate left you… what did you want him to remember? That you could see no good in Hillary or that you passionately felt Obama was the best candidate?
I can’t urge you enough to find any opportunity to support your candidate..
and the only armchair quarterbacking i would offer is that you need to be sure that you leave them with the message you most wanted them to hear…
I don’t know you. You don’t support my candidate. But still, i am very proud of you… and proud to have the opportunity to hear you…