bsmomma.. i have a push mower and weed whacker and i may have bodies to use them..
i may even have a pickup this week to transport them.
i say may because i am recovering from surgery and everyone who helps me is currently conspiring to keep me resting. they don’t believe i am constitutionally capable of quietly sitting by and supervising..
they have no idea how wrong they are..
if you emailed jan she will send your email along to me..
we all need a little help now and then… and this solution would help more than you..
helping someone to build a good work ethic and reminding them how good it feels to help others is a great way to help them turn their life around.
accepting that help isn’t such a bad kickstart for us either.
let me know if you don’t get a more reliable offer this week. i am sure i can help you work this out.