Re: Mubarak Regime



I’m surprised by how surprised some of the posters in this thread are about the relationship between the Egyptian government and ours. Mubarak is one of “our” dictators and has been for a very long time.

Witness the recent statement by Hillary Clinton on Wednesday: “…our assessment is that the Egyptian government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people.” She has since changed her stance, but that gives you an idea of her worldview, and why she fits into Washington so well.

Being one of “our” dictators means Mubarak is given tons of money, buys lots of our weapons, tortures for us and is guaranteed our support (until things really get out of hand, at which point we abandon him). We love democracy being brought to the Middle East, but only when it is brought there at the point of our guns.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see him end up here in the states, facing no punishment whatsoever (I’m lookin’ at you, Luis Posada Carriles).

If you aren’t watching/listening to the fantastic program Democracy Now, it is time to start. Amy Goodman and staff will keep you informed on what is really going on in the world.