BDG…good answer. I was a Vietnam War era vet…72 to 75…I had been to college and had worked in the public sector before I joined ( I always say it was a moment of madness – lol). I received limited GI Bill bennies…travel agent school..and look at me now..not traveling nor urging others to. The military experience for me wasn’t real life..not anything like real life. I was almost 28 when I got out…but I had met my husband there, and ended up in WS for the last 33 years…so something good actually did come of it :)
I think getting the college education, etc. first is a good idea…even working for a while…and then see if the military fits. I’ve known more than one late teen who joined up because they thought it akin to a video game, and then found out that it was very much otherwise…you gotta go in with your eyes wide open, for sure…