Re: McCain ?????



New resident… yes, mcCain’s words.. “I will not surrender to AlQaida” resonate.

And that would be great if we were actively involved in fighting AlQuida. We are actively involved fighting “insurgents” who are now umbrellaed under AlQuida mainly because our president says it’s so. Not AlQuida.. who are free to go about int he world planning more mayhem…

And in the meantime, we inflame the entire muslim world with our treatment of citizens we are calling terrorists and our invasion and occupation of a muslim country.

It really helps to know who the enemy is… and unfortunately, to John McCain.. all of those “towel heads” are the enemy.

(I apologize profusely to the vietnamese and to all muslims for repeating John McCain’s racial and bigoted slurs. I wanted to make this point as strongly as i could.. but even then it is not acceptable behavior…)

911 was a tragedy.. and it would help if we actually fought those who perpetrated that tragedy.

The reason that AlQuida doesn’t stand much of a chance in taking over Iraq is that there were no Iraqi AlQuida when we invaded… Saddam didn’t allow competition for his own power… and those who actually live there feel like they might have a say in the matter.

The last thing they want to be is a permanent AlQuida target. If the Arab countries have learned anything from the Israel/Palestinian conflict… it is that permanent war only brings poverty and loss of power.


never thought i would agree with Hagel.. but there you go:)

tho i wouldn’t go so far as to buy into a third party strategy.. especially not right now:)