Re: Malicious mischief– RANT




i think we still don’t know who and what you are…

and if you are that single guy with too much time on your hands… it’s too bad..

i enjoyed your conversation when you approached reality. and sometimes your posts generated interesting conversation. The real you might be an interesting addition to conversation.

As for what you think you proved… i don’t think so. I don’t think there is anyone on this forum naive enough to believe that it isn’t possible that many of the people posting on this site are not all they appear to be. The posts are only as honest as any of us make them.

Yet, regardless of what voice you choose to use here.. or anywhere for that matter… it is only a voice.. fed by a real person.. and that person can’t help coming through sometimes.

We would all be glad to see the lattemom persona go away.

It is so much sadder if this persona is built on a real person whose identity you lifted.

Or.. if you really are lattemom and the lonely young man is the persona. or….

it doesn’t really matter a lot.

i hope whoever you are that you find a way to participate in this forum or another in a way that is productive. messing with people just makes them angry.. and it never lasts long.

And as for the rest of us.. i think we can all survive one more impostor in our lives… real life is full of them you know.

It’s just like the pit bull thread.. if you walk the streets in fear of the marauding pitbull, you won’t get out much… same here.